Monthly Archives: March 2011

My Son Wants a Bank Account

My son will turn 13 this summer and he has decided he wants his own bank account. He has a small savings account, a ton of savings bonds, and lots of collector coins, but he wants an actual checking account … Continue reading

Posted in banking | 2 Comments

I’m No Financial Superwoman

I have practically raised my 21 year-old cousin. Well, I guess that’s inaccurate - my grandparents raised him. But before he could drive, I took him to all the places my grandparents didn’t want to go, like band practice, the … Continue reading

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Random Thoughts for Monday

- I noticed a large increase in blog traffic today. Readers are getting here in some strange ways, but mostly through Google searches for PNC Virtual Wallet. I’m glad to know my love of VW is out there for all … Continue reading

Posted in random | 1 Comment

Budget is No Longer a Four-Letter Word

Budgeting used to be one of those things I thought were for other people, not for me. I thought a budget was a good idea for someone who couldn’t manage their money, and I was managing mine just fine on … Continue reading

Posted in budget, debt | 2 Comments