2011 Popular Posts

I can’t believe 2011 is over. I’ve already summed up the year from a personal point of view, but here’s a nifty infographic of So Over Debt’s 2011 popular posts, thanks to Shareaholic.

Enjoy, and have a safe and fantabulous New Year!

Reading these posts is proven to reduce your risk of boredom:

  1. My Bank is Awesome
  • http://www.myownadvisor.ca/ My Own Advisor

    Cool graphic.

    A very Happy New Year to you Andrea!

  • Anonymous

    Happy New Year

  • http://www.squarepennies.blogspot.com/ Maggie@SquarePennies

    Happy New Year, Andrea! Congrats on such a successful year. A great list of posts!

  • http://debtsucksblog.com/ Jake from Debt Sucks

    44% IE? Holy cow!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      I had five reposts on MSN Money this year.

  • http://www.dqydj.net PKamp3

    Nice! Look at all that IE!

  • Anonymous

    Happy New Year!!!

  • http://www.financialgod.com/ Financial God

    Happy New Year, Andrea! I don’t always agree with your posts, but I like that you have the courage to say what you believe in!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Happy New Year to you as well! You don’t have to agree; just don’t be an asshole if you disagree. I’m off to check out your site!

  • http://www.worldoffinance.biz/ World of Finance

    I was definitely a huge fan of top post #6. I was laughing the whole time I was reading the article.