Archive | work

Do You REALLY Want to Work From Home?

  When you hang out in the personal finance blogosphere, you never run out of articles to read about self-employment, passive income, and making money online. It seems that everyone is either earning a full-time living from home, quitting a job, contemplating quitting a job, or starting a new enterprise in hopes of striking it [...]

On Doing What You Love

This week marks six months since I quit my job to work from home. It seems impossible that so much time could have passed… Didn’t that just happen a few weeks ago? I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun! And make no mistake - despite some unexpected craziness, multiple changes of plans, [...]

Thinking of Entering a Helping Profession? Here’s What You Need to Know

This week I’m featuring guest posts from some of my best blogging friends while I take a small blogcation. Don’t run away - these are awesome posts from talented bloggers! Today’s post comes from TeacHer Finance, an educator who is rocking her debt payoff while educating the masses. Check out her blog, which may or [...]

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July 2012 Income





My Broken Coin


The Best Giveaways On The interwebs!


I pledge to be debt free!



  • 2012 (133)
  • 2011 (211)
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